Client Portal

Flexibility and Potential
Leveraged Profit


Because CFDs are leveraged products you can trade on them whilst only paying a fraction of the total contract value, which means more profit and loss potential than non-leveraged instruments. The ability to go long or short gives maximum market agility, makes Contracts for Difference trading popular amongst speculative traders who want to be able to adapt their strategy quickly.


Minimum lot of orders issued each time1 lot
Maximum lot of orders issued each time
(include position and limit/stop orders)
50 lots20 lots
Initial margin (1:100)1.5% of contract value
Trading hours (AEDT) [2]Summer time

Monday 9:00 AM -
Saturday 7:15 AM

Winter time
Monday 8:00 AM -
Saturday 6:15 AM
Summer time

Monday 9:00 AM -
Saturday 7:15 AM

Winter time
Monday 8:00 AM -
Saturday 6:15 AM
Summer time

Monday 9:00 AM -
Saturday 7:15 AM

Winter time
Monday 8:00 AM -
Saturday 6:15 AM
Summer time

Monday 12:15 PM -
Saturday 7:15 AM

Winter time
Monday 11:15 AM -
Saturday 6:15 AM
Summer time

Monday 10:50 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM

Winter time
Monday 09:50 AM -
Saturday 7:00 AM
Summer time

Monday 12:00 PM -
Saturday 7:30 AM

Winter time
Monday 11:00 AM -
Saturday 6:30 AM

1. The floating point difference may vary according to the market changes. Please refer to the actual spreads provided on the platform.

2. Trading hours may be adjusted due to holidays. If you need the updated information of trading hours, please contact us.

3. Market volatility may lead into price gaps. The freeze level of sell/buy limit orders and Stop loss order will also be adjusted at any time depending on market volatility. We strive to execute all orders at the price required by the limit order, when the market condition is allowed.

Remarks: Initial Margins are subject to adjust due to market volatility, please check your emailbox regularly for the latest notice and/or contact us.


Go Long or Short

Margined Trading


Flexible Contract Size

Range of Markets

Hedge Positions


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